Sunday, September 13, 2009

SIX years old!

Chase turned six in July and wanted a LEGO themed birthday party. We had just the family this year (I'm trying the every-other-year friends party) which was so much easier and so much fun! Chase wanted me to make a LEGO cake - which he was delighted with (thankfully) and I was less than delighted with (I wanted to cry by the time we were done). At the party we played 'Guess how many LEGO's are in the jar' and 'hot and cold' with a hidden LEGO guy. We also had to create something with LEGO's and then guessed what each other had made. Good times. Thanks everyone for making Chase's birthday a success! And thanks to Chase for making me smile every day for the past six years.


  1. Wow! That cake is absolutely amazing, Erin. I am so impressed!

  2. What a cute idea! I'm going to have to use it with my boys.
