Sunday, April 24, 2011

Catching up!

I've been going through some old pix and realized that there are several which haven't been posted to the family blog yet... so here they are!

This first set was from back in February when we took a (much needed) weekend trip to St. George. We always have a blast when we're there and somehow the pool seems so much more fun when there's a foot of snow back at home!

The next set of pix is from St. Patty's Day! We were visited by a tricky Leprechaun who managed to escape Chase's several traps. Even though he wasn't caught, he left behind some green treats for the kids to enjoy. One of my favorite parts of St. Patricks Day this year was watching 'Darby O'Gill and the Little People' with my kids (1959 Disney Movie). It was a staple at my house when I was young but I haven't seen it in years, so I didn't know how it would go over. I think my kids enjoyed it as much as I did though!

These pix are of the kids with a couple of their many make believe home-made costumes. The Cat in The Hat was a planned activity, the silly man masks (paper plate faces) were more of an impromptu post-dinner activity. Dress-ups are always a hit around here. I'm so happy I captured one of Clara's faces. She draws the best people and faces, and as much as I tell myself to save some of them/scan them in somewhere/take a picture of them - I never do. But now I have one! Isn't it great?

Finally... SPORTS! Chase absolutely loved Basketball again this season. So far it's the only sport out of our little rotation (soccer, baseball, soccer, basketball) that he seems to really get into. He's currently started up Spring soccer and looking forward to swim and tennis lessons (we're mixing it up a little with the tennis - hopefully he'll enjoy it) this summer. Although he's not very aggressive or competitive by nature, he has fun and he's fun to watch.
Wow - it feels good to get caught up on posting some of these pictures. Life gets so busy, but I always have fun going through the memories we're making as a family!

1 comment:

  1. Chase and Clara take such great pictures. they look so cute.
