Sunday, October 18, 2009

First Day of School

Chase was thrilled to start school again this year. He has a wonderful teacher and has made some great friends already. The most exciting part of his first day was 'Frederico', a little boy in his class who didn't speak English. No matter what else I asked him about, he always came back to Frederico. Chase was absolutely fascinated with him! And almost every day since then Chase comes home and reports on the new words Frederico is learning. His favorite part of school is recess, where he plays freeze tag almost every day.
As for me, I have quite a sweet set-up now that school has started again. I hang out with the kids in the morning doing our morning routine which consits of breakfast, our daily devotional, chores and play time or running errands. Then we eat lunch and take Chase to school. After dropping him off Clara and I come home, I put her down for a nap and I have two and a half hours to do whatever I need or want to do before Clara wakes up and Chase comes home. It's a dream! I'm also Chase's room mom this year and am surprised to see how excited he is to have me there. I love it.
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1 comment:

  1. I can't get over how compassionate and observant Chase is. What a sweetheart. And Erin, I love all your observations. Just a great family, all around.
    Hugs, Grandma Jodee
